In case you don't know this yet, I'm Pentecostal. I am that girl that you can pick out in a crowd, the one who has the knee-length hair and the jean skirt. I'm sure you've seen them in Walmart or at the fair. Yep, that's me, the skirtgirl. As you probably already guessed, I get A LOT of comments about the way I dress and sometimes even get made fun of. But I still wear that long hair and jean skirt. Here's a little bit of why I dress that way. There is more to come on this topic, but here is the very basis of why I dress the way I do.

So that is why I dress the way I do. As I mentioned before, there is more to come about this.
Even if you aren't a skirtgirl.. you can still show the world what God has done for you! Just because you aren't Pentecostal doesn't mean you can't share the Gospel with the whole world!! Be a peculiar person in everything you say and do!!
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