When I saw this on Google+, I thought to myself, Yes, this is exactly what I want to be.
Proverbs 31 talks about a godly woman and how she should act like. Here are just few verses that really stand out to me.
A godly woman is very hard find. Her price is far above rubies. She is very valuable and beautiful.
This is probably my favorite verse in the Bible. No matter what you look like on the outside, if you don't love God and serve Him, it is useless. A godly woman is to be praised. Isn't that awesome? God things so highly of godly women that He says they should be praised.

This verse really sticks out to me because it mentions being a light. Her lamp does no go out at night. To me this means that no matter how hard things get, she shines for Jesus. Everywhere she goes, her light is always shining, her candle always burning.
I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman, don't you? Her price is far above rubies and she is highly praised. That's a huge compliment in my eyes.
Wherever you are, whoever you are, just remember, if you are a Proverbs 31 woman, it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. If you love God and are serving Him with everything in you, you are beautiful. Don't worry about what the world says because in the end, it won't matter what they thought. It will only matter what Jesus thought.
If you notice, Proverbs 31 says nothing about how a godly woman should look. It does say her clothing is silk and purple because she works hard, not because it is saying a godly woman should wear silk. This chapter doesn't say anything about what a godly woman looks like on the outside because it doesn't matter.
It doesn't say a Proverbs 31 woman can only have blue eyes, or maybe only green eyes. Oh, and she has to have brown hair. God doesn't care how someone looks on the outside.
I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman. One that is pleasing to God and one to whom He says, "Well done!"
How about you? Do you want to be a Proverbs 31 woman or a Victoria's Secret model?
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