It is soooo good to be back!!
A lot has been going on lately in my family. My Grandpa died last week and the week before that, my cousin died. As you can see, it has been crazy here.
The last two weeks have been insane and out of control, but I know God has a plan in all of this. No matter what we face, God is right there with us. I've learned that these past few weeks. All of this kind of cam out of nowhere, but I know it is all part of God's will, I just have to trust Him.

I will be leaving for North American Youth Congress in a week... I am SOOO excited!!! NAYC is in Louisville, Kentucky this year so it is a long drive from Oklahoma, but totally worth it! :)
So that is what has been going on in my life lately. My grandpa is where he wants to be, now.. Heaven. He is happy and peaceful. Yes, everyone will miss him, but he is home now and that's all that matters:)
:) :) God is doing something amazing here!!
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